Sunday, 24 June 2012

Apologies, weddings & celebrations

Yeah it's only been like five days but still, I hate it when I follow a blog and they don't update for a while, therefore don't think I should do the same.

Honestly, I don't really have a reason why I haven't posted, I suppose it's just cos I've gone back to school for the last few weeks so I've had to get used to these early mornings/late evenings - seriously, it's crazy how hard it is to get a bus at 7:40 every morning and not get home until 4:50 that evening! Also I worked last Thursday evening and have just generally been procrastinating.

I figured that I might as well use this post as a little update as otherwise it'll be a super short post.

So, as I've already mentioned I've gone back to school. It's only for a few weeks until the summer starts but honestly it's so pointless. We are doing preparation work for A2s, in other words, practically nothing. They've started us on UCAS stuff, but I don't think I'm going to go to uni, therefore it's pretty pointless for me.

I had another driving lesson this week and it went fantastically! I did stall a few times but that's cos it was quite overwhelming going through town for the first time at the end of the day when there's about 1000million tourists and school children and just people in general walking out in the roads in front of you! Also, I never realised before but town is almost all one-way roads and there are traffic lights on almost every road.

If you were to take a peek into my little brain a few weeks ago then you would have seen a lot of paranoia/worry/stress. I try not to be a jealous person but sometimes things just play on my mind and I can't stop. I've felt as though I've been the one making all the effort in mine & Elliot's relationship but I've realised this past week that it's not true. I know that he loves me and he's shown me that I have nothing to worry about. I do have a little more work to do in order to get my head sorted but things are definitely better. The way I see it though is that if a relationship has absolutely no jealousy or anything then I don't think you feel that strongly for someone. Obviously, yes, you need to be able to trust someone, but if something happened and you just weren't bothered at all you really have to think, why doesn't this bother you?

Anyway, I have next Saturday off work as it's my brother's wedding. He's been with his fiancé since August 1997, so almost 15 years! It's crazy because obviously having been born in 1995 I have always known them as a couple really as before they got together I was too young to really remember anything. They only got engaged this February and I'm so excited for them to get married as it'll mean that Julia will officially be a part of the family - she always has been, but now it'll be proper.

Saturday is also mine and Elliot's 6 month anniversary. Unfortunately he wasn't able to get the time off work otherwise he would have come to the wedding, so seeing him Sunday will have to suffice. I can't believe that it's been 6 months already, it really has flown by. I can still remember exactly what we did that day 6 months and the way our relationship has progressed in this time is amazing. We've gone from not even knowing each other at the beginning of December to now, end of June about to celebrate 6 months together. I don't know what we'll do on Sunday but whatever it is will be brilliant. I don't like just sitting around doing nothing but if I'm with him I could do it for days. Oh that sounds soppy and cheesy but it's true, I even put up with football with him (although I do have a tendency to fall asleep...)

So yeah, that's all I can think of. Sorry for the lack of posts but as soon as I get back into a routine I'll get posting again! I might to a haul if you'd like one?

1 comment:

  1. Its so cute that you and your boyfriends 6 month anniversary is the same day as your brothers wedding. sad that he cant get the time off work, but hope u have a great day anyway!


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