The past few weeks I've been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. I won't go into the reasons for this as there's quite a few and that's not really the point of this post. You know when you're just having a really down day and feel as though things just won't right themselves again? Well I've had quite a lot of those as of late and it gets to the point when you just are miserable so much and it has an effect on other aspects of your life.
I've been trying to find ways of keeping myself happy, or if I'm already feeling down then ways to cheer myself up, and have found a few ways, some may seem super obvious and silly but I thought that I'd share them with you anyway in hope of possibly making your days a little brighter!
1) Watch your favourite movie - everyone has that one film that they love and can watch a million times and still enjoy it don't they? I challenge you to find one person who doesn't! There's nothing better than popping said film into the dvd (or vhs if you're super retro) player and sitting back, relaxing and just feeling yourself getting transported into that world. It may be a recent film or one from your childhood, whatever it is will surely put a smile on your face.
2) Pamper yourself - no, I don't mean go all out spend £££ on a spa day at some luxury resort (although I'm sure that would do wonders to cheer you up!), just do something that will make you feel good about yourself. There are so many things that you could do, dye your hair, shave your legs, groom your eyebrows, take a bubble bath, anything so long as it leaves you feeling a little more fresh and confident in yourself!
3) Relive old memories - was there something you loved doing as a child? Why not do it again? Yesterday I found my book full of messages from my friends when we left school last May, reading through them cheered me up so much as it reminded me of so many things we've shared together that I'd completely forgotten, some of which were such happy days in my life. Even just look through photos from that night you and your girls went out or anything.
4) Talk to a loved one - be it a parent, sibling, partner, friend, talking to a person whom you trust is a great way to let off steam and sort out your emotions. Bottling it up often seems like the best thing to do as you don't want to burden others with your troubles, but if they truly love you then they'll want to know what's up. I've learnt this recently and even if the person is the problem, still tell them, they may never know that they've been upsetting you if you don't tell them!
5) Do your favourite hobby - for me this is easy, reading a new book. You may love cooking, painting, sewing, dancing - the options are endless - whatever it is take some time out to do it, you will feel much happier and if it's something you haven't done in a while you may rediscover your love for it. This definitely works, I read a whole book in 24 hours yesterday and after I'd finished I felt a real sense of accomplishment.
What do you do when you're having a down day to put that smile back on your face?
Isn't this just the cutest video ever?!